Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rant on Black Nation-Building

Revolutionary: What skills can you offer for nation-building in the Black community?

Flags and poetry and bold words mean nothing without that one word in your opening question:


Afro-centric Black people, and every other fringe culture group in America, needs to learn that their big talk is worthless if they can't do the basics in life.

A city needs, to sustain itself, energy, transportation, trade, means of social control, food, water, waste disposal and a means for education.

That isn't sexy, sassy or dynamic. It's just public administration. And people don't want to do it because that would mean acquiring skills, using them and having few to blame but themselves if they come up short.

Every fringe group in America depends on the mainstream, no matter how different they claim to be. If you think Pan-Africanism is a worthwhile goal, then go for it. But realize that "independent business" isn't enough. They have to re-create the entire net or not both at all, because they will only be fooling themselves.

Rant on White Flight and Blacks Movin' Up

I've talked to plenty of Blacks who move into White suburbs...
They want better school care.
They want better jobs.
They want better tax rates...

Awesome goals, you guys, but you DO realize that your goals are all about what YOU want and that you are poorer than the area you are moving to (which WILL cause a tax problem), you are bring a different culture with you, and you think you can invade their space, take their resources, make yourself richer and you have no intention of giving something back?

True, poor Whites and poor Blacks move to richer neighborhoods for the exact same reason and cause the exact same tax problem, yet poor Blacks add being Different, and most people I know that move into White suburbs have no intention of ever addressing that diplomatically.

"I am Christian like you and a strict parent like you. No, I am not Italian, but I would love to learn more about how Little Italy was formed."

Instead of focusing on what others should do to accommodate YOU, more people should focusing on accommodating others or just leave them alone.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rant on Education and Family

Something I posted somewhere else:

And about the school system: It doesn't exist in a vacuum, so I look also to modern understanding of family. Women, once given more freedom to be something other than a nurse or teacher, choose that way. Which means an expectable, though politically ignored, decrease in the quality of teachers.

Also, the feminist movement has put extreme economic pressure on the female half. Increasing the workforce by over 40% decreases the value of the most common workers, making it nearly impossible for a the average man to provide for four people on his high school diploma salary.

It is hard to address this publicly because 1) the damage is done and 2) professional offended people will be offended.

The underlying structure of a family and expectations for economy, which MEANS "home", have been shaken and, apparently, no one is allowed to say anything about it.

Has globalization taken away jobs? Hell yes, but there will always be something taking away jobs. I look always inward, to adaptability, to ingenuity and production. There is no reason why the Rust Belt and the poor South should still be the way they are when we have the means to educate all, which is not the responsibility, IMHO, solely on the public education system.