Business Suggestions
- grocery store
- bank/credit union
- minutemen temp agency
- day care
- hospital
- laundry mat
- hardware store
- office space
- furniture store
- diner
- barbershop
- book store
- theater
- coffee shop
- clothing store
- spa/bath house
- office supply store
- dentist
- gym
- hotel
Non-Profit Suggestions
- library
- elementary school
- middle school
- high school
- community center
- temple
- gallery
- park
- post office
- fire station
- police station
- head-start
- museum/historical society
- political party headquarters
- government representatives offices
- free clinic
- settlement house
need more! How are all these different from each other? How do they connect?
What industries surround them? How can we use them to agglomerate more business and industry?
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