Friday, March 6, 2009

Leadership Speaker Series: Geoffrey Canada

He. Is. The. Man.

Watch this instead of a Hollywood blockbuster. It's probably got more suspense.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Twittering Idiots

"Not only where the Senator's cell phones and Blackberries on during President's Obama's speech, they were using them."

So I have to turn mine of in Urban Sociology class, but these morons think they can use it?

What is wrong with them? Do they think that flashy, new gimmicks will work this time? They look disrespectful and even more idiotic than usual.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

From Youtube: Working Poor and Education

I want to hear thoughts and contribution to policies for addressing these two big problems, which most people ignore because they obsess over democrats and republicans and their stupid song-and-dance.

THE WORKING POOR: The bottom 20th percentile of the country makes so little income that their condition is compatible to second-world countries. (The 40th percentile is only marginally better.) They have a reason for asking the government for aid, they can't afford it on their own. Now, back in the good-ol-days, a factory owner paid his slaves --i mean, workers-- only the tiniest amount and also lobbied the state to not "bail them out with other peoples tax dollars" because the poor deserved their swallows. They were uneducated and dumb. They obviously didn't have what it takes to be better... If the WE are any better than the devils in business suits who have ran Western Civilization up until this point, what policies address this economic sadism?

EDUCATION: Real, liberal arts education is the key to success in the 21st century and it should be something on the top of the agenda at all times. The New England families that influence every aspect of American policy sure as hell are a not an unorganized herd of cats. And they know the true value of education, which isn't reading, writing and arithmetic, but the capacity for a person to look at a problem, take any possible information around them and come up with a solution. Bears fish, birds nest and humans think and manufacture. We need education that can teach the underclass and the working poor how to do BOTH since as things are they are not taught to do either.

(<_< )